Pre-Hospital Wind Medic




Endorsed by "The Faculty of Pre-hospital Care" 

This course addresses the need for a higher level of practical medical and trauma training for Wind Turbine Technicians who are working remotely and out of reach from pre-hospital support and hours from definitive care.  

The course objectives are to provide the Global Wind Industry operative with confidence in their lifesaving interventions at an intermediate level of care, to maintain life until medical professionals arrive on scene which will be some hours post injury/illness.  

This course concentrates on the injuries, illnesses and risks Wind Turbine Technicians and wind turbine construction staff may encounter in remote areas of the world, offshore with delayed response from professional pre-hospital assistance and rescue. It focuses upon best practice in the application of practical skills required to deliver the best care in challenging environments. Wind Turbine Technicians will become proficient in the life saving skills required to manage a critically ill or injured casualties in remote locations with protracted evacuation times with limitedmedical assistance. 

Course content:

  • Catastrophic - bleed identifying and management
  • Spinal – identifying and management
  • Airway – suctioning, airway adjuncts (OPA, NPA, IGels) 
  • Breathing – supported ventilations, use of bag valve mask and oxygen therapy
  • Circulation – compromises, cardio pulmonary resuscitation 
  • AED - Safe and effective use
  • Disability – unresponsive patient
  • Casualty handling – considerations for extrication for WTG
  • Mental health – impact 
  • Thermal injury – hypothermia and hyperthermia
  • Muscular skeletal injuries 
  • Drowning 
  • Medical – consideration and management
  • Pain management - Penthrox, Entonox
  • Oxygen - safe and appropriate use
  • Death

By completing the pre-hospital wind medic course, the first of its kind, it will develop your skills further to allow you to treat work colleagues safely and effectively. By completing this course, you will also gain the GWO enhanced First Aid status. 


  • Over the age of 18yrs
  • Valid WINDA ID WINDA Registration
  • Experience of first aid or other clinical training 
SKU: 10000-42

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